Three Useful Ways To Choose A Nice Male Leather Wallet

Carrying a nice wallet can make the owner more confident, since the wallet is said to be a measure of a man’s class. So, what can be the factors making a nice leather wallet to enhance the confidence for men?
Obviously, like the ways designers make a wallet, we need to take material into consideration. Perhaps leather is the most popular material for wallets. It is commonly used not only for wallets but for other products for instance of cars, airplanes as well. Choosing leather materials is the most noticeable factor to create the elegance for users.
Alligator leather, cowhide and synthetic leather are the most common materials. We all know that each leather type has its own merits and demerits, which is suitable for different styles.
Alligator leather wallet with large embossed dorsal scale rows can be seen from a distance, for gentlemen who love glamour and peerage. Particularly, alligator leather always give users a feeling of smooth and excitement due to its typical skin features.
Cowhide is less glossy when compared to alligator leather, being suitable for gentlemen who is simply placid by nature and falls in love with rough color shades. Nonetheless, cowhide is the choice of numerous gentlemen because its contemplation is what makes a man a man.
Unlike real leathers, synthetic leather is not too difficult to preserve; however, its durability and gloss is not as real and classy as real leathers.
Currently, there are three main forms of leather wallets: vertical bifold wallets, horizontal bifold wallets, clutch bag wallets.
The most popular type perhaps is horizontal bifold wallet because it is not too large, but still spacy enough to put all types of money, credit cards, and other personal papers inside. However, due to its reasonable size, you can’t put as much money or many personal papers inside as a long bifold one.
Vertical bifold wallets have recently become popular; nevertheless, it is not easy to find a vertical bifold wallet because only high-quality and prestigious real leather brands produce this type of wallet. Like a miniature horizontal bifold wallet with less space, more compact, more aesthetic and more convenient, a vertical bifold wallet is designed to be higher than a horizontal bifold wallet for carrying credit cards and papers vertically.
Clutch bag wallets, a new product branch, are originally designed for females; however, with the technology development, large size smartphones have been launched, requiring portable handbags. That’s the reason why this type of wallets has been improved in terms of design for men only. With the length of a horizontal wallet without being folded, papers and cash are always in their best state. Furthermore, it is easier for us to find papers and small items, as well as carry large size smart phones such as note or plus.
In terms of style, alligator leather wallets perhaps are the most distinguished type because each part of alligator will form different shapes. For instance, alligator’s belly skin is glossy and flat while the part of back skin has large scales, and the part near its tail has smaller scales. For cowhide, there are much more choices in term of colors varying from brown, black, to blue, orange, red, and so on.

Based on hobby, age and personal criteria, each person will choose a wallet with different style for his or her own. Not only color but also patterns of a wallet are particular about decoration details such as the position of the brand logo, the card holder size, and the material of inner side.
Perhaps a wallet’s quality should be the first thing to be mentioned to make a nice leather wallet for men. Understanding this, Babu Handmade Leather always set it as the first priority in the process of making each leather male wallet. In the workshop of Babu, you can own a leather wallet with exquisite design, superfine leather quality, powerful style, and affordable price. Our talented designer team and enthusiastic consultants will support you to choose the most suitable leather wallet without any difficulties or barriers. We hope that with some about tips, you can choose a leather wallet for your own and become the most intelligent customer.
To see more Cow/Calf leather wallet models, click here: